How wireless headsets help Singapore employees work better at home

The Covid-19 outbreak has disrupted work all over the world and Singapore is no different. Circuit breaker measures made work from home compulsory for those who can do so – but has this new normal led to a change in consumer behaviour? The simple answer is: yes. 

Electronic durables saw their highest increase in online purchases following the outbreak. Staying connected is key and as people seek to establish productive work facilities at home, ensuring you have the right technology at hand will save you from all sorts of problems down the line. 

Among these, a proper headset can change the way you work. Both wired and wireless models provide features like HiFi sound, noise-cancelling microphones and remote call control that keeps your business communications on track no matter what’s going on around you. Wired and wireless headsets support video conferencing hardware solutions, offering optimal input and output sound quality, and even long connection ranges for when you need to be up and about. With so much convenient technology at hand, it’s no surprise that 9 in 10 Singaporeans want to continue working from home

Enjoy music and stay productive

It’s common knowledge that playing a bit of music can help you relax. No matter what you’re doing, as long as you have the right melody playing in the background, you can ease a bit of the tension caused by your never-ending to-do list. But what if we told you music can make you more productive too? It’s the ‘Mozart effect’, which implies that if you listen to piano music composed by a genius, you’ll become smarter. It sounds a little far fetched but it’s not too far from the truth –  the mental stimulation from listening to the right music can keep you focused and attentive. Plus, it’ll make you feel a little less lonely if you’re not a fan of working solo.

Jabra’s Evolve series of wired and wireless headsets offer world-class sound and noise-cancelling capabilities – great for when you need some tunes to block out distracting noises from loud kids at home or the construction site a few blocks away.

Get on a call easily

Working from home means you’ll need to attend more calls with colleagues and external stakeholders in order to stay connected. This can be a little tough if you have noisy neighbours, a partner trying to work or resting family members you don’t want to disturb. That’s where a great headset comes in. Jabra’s wired and wireless headsets offer an exceptional range of features that will keep you concentrated and connected from wherever you need to work. 

The Evolve series is designed with mobility and focus in mind, so it’s the perfect addition to the video conferencing hardware solution you need for home. The HD voice quality means that you’ll never struggle to be heard, while the leak-tolerant 40mm speakers ensure you always hear what’s being said on the other end of the call. There’s even a dual connectivity option that allows you to listen to music or take calls from another device using the same headset.

Walk around freely 

If you’ve ever worked in an office with a job that requires you to take multiple calls a day, you’ve likely experienced the embarrassment of getting up from your desk only to struggle with your headphones still attached to your computer. These situations are not conducive to a stress-free environment even when working from home. If unrestricted mobility is what you need, a wireless headset will do the trick.

The portability and long battery life of Jabra’s wireless headsets give you the freedom to move about your home as you need to. Make yourself Singapore’s favourite teh-tarik while still plugged in or take an important call in privacy – the Evolve series will have you covered.

Whether you’re working from home for an extended period of time or just a few days a week, a good headset is worth an investment. Pick the right one for your needs!